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Thursday, 4 December 2014

How To Make Things With Polymorph Low Melt Plastic

A lot of items we buy these days are made from really brittle plastic they snaps to bends under pressure or normal use.

However,  from the prosthetic and hand made robot field comes a really nice material that is:

Quick to prepare
Safe to use
Strong and flexible
Re-usuable when you get it wrong
Cheap to buy
Safe to keep
Bio degradable

What is the Super Material?  They call it Polymorph.

What is Polymorph?
Polymorph is a thermoplastic polymer that melts at around 62°C.  Its generally supplied as small off white plastic granules. Polymorph is non-toxic and completely biodegradable. Suppliers also tend to supply a range of  coloured powder additives if you want to colour it, or it can be painted.

How do I use Polymorph ?
  • Heat water to just over 65 degrees
  • Add the opaque white pellets to the water 
  • Leave the pellets in the water till they turn transparent
  • Remove the pellets from the water and mould by hand
  • add colour if required)
  • Allow the Polymorph to cool , it will turn white and solid
  • Re-heat if further moulding is required

Its also very cheap, and if you screw up using it, you just chuck it back into a cup of hot water and start again, its that simple.

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