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Sunday, 10 May 2015

Invading Ants - The War Is Over

In the last 24 hours the Ants have consumed 16 small trays of Nippon Ant Liquid

 Click Here to Watch some Timelapse Video
Trays Full Of Ants Eating Nippon Ant Liquid

and are no longer visiting my front door and hallway as can be seen from the latest photo below.

After 24 hours of Intense Nippon Ant Liquid Feeding The Ants Are Gone
This was the largest feeding frenzy I've seen with seasonal Ants, as they normally arrive over several days in small be increasing numbers until they are filling one or two trays a dozen or so at a time.

These ants were also much redder than ones I'd seen in the house before, and as I have a number of inflamed red bites on me from getting down and personal with them, I think they could be a problem for a curious child or adult that gets near them.  As can be seen from the videos, these Ants came on mass, with soldiers to protect the feeders,  once the first feeders reported back to the nests. It would appear it must have been a substantial nest and that the warm weather has obviously woken a lot of them early.

I'm glad I still had some Nippon Ant Liquid at hand as Debbie was only able to find single use kits from Rentokill that you throw any when empty in stores.  There is a link is below to the single use Rentokill product if you don't want the fuss.

Realistically, and from the video evidence of my last 3 posts on this blog, I think I'd have needed 6 of these double single use packs for what I achieved yesterday.

So I recommend you buy some Nippon Liquid.  

Don't wait until the Ants arrive!

If you haven't got any Nippon Liquid in the house get some ASAP, be ready,  it keeps for years. If the Ants discover the food in your kitchen, your pets food or storeroom and you have no defences to hand, they will over run you very quickly and be in every container, draw or packet they can squeeze into.

Luckily the liquid is still available on Amazon, but I suspect not for very long and as there is more money in selling single use kits, a lot more money all the big resellers are moving to kits.

 I have no doubt fighting last nights invasion would have cost me £30 + petrol in single use kits.

The Nippon Liquid can be purchased from AmazonUK


And the Milk Bottle caps you most likely throw away every few days.

Thanks for visiting my money making tips.  Please share this link with others, the Ants are coming the question is whether you or your friends are ready ;-)


Time-Lapse Video - Feeder Ants Emptying Home Made Feed Trays

Ants Update:  On the 8th feed and theirs numbers are growing, have quite a few bites on my hands so they Red Dark Brown Ants seem to pack quite a punch.  Better feed them again before going to bed of they could be all over the kitchen by morning.


This video is of the 5th refill and their numbers are increasing. oops.  Can't stop now as they'll invade completely if I do.

Picture Of Ants Feeding On Nippon Liquid From Bottle Top Feeding Trays

The Nippon Liquid can be purchased from AmazonUK


And the Milk Bottle caps you most likely throw away every few days.

Thanks For Visiting


Saturday, 9 May 2015

Fighting Home Ant Invasion With Homemade Disposable Feeding Traps And Ni...

Ants invading, found Nippon Liquid but no plastic trays, so here is a free replacement we all have.

Check out my other Money Saving Tips video by clicking on the purple link in the video.

The Nippon Liquid can be purchased from AmazonUK


Thanks For Visiting


Friday, 1 May 2015

Save Money By Renovating Or Repairing Garden Solar Cell LED Lights

The low light levels and cold over the winter will have depleted the rechargeable batteries inside your LED garden lamps.  It doesn't mean their dead just because they aren't lighting up.  Get you kids, grand kids, parents or grand parents to help open them up and clean them out as per this video.  Then before you put them back together put the cleaned up battery in a battery charger to top it up and give it life and it will hopefully last another season.

It's a good time to check out my other Money Saving tips.


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